Rochdale Parish Church of St Chad
and St Mary in the Baum

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Diary & *What's On - Events*

September 2024

►► Wednesday 25 September
🕆 11.00 am at St Luke's Deeplish - Morning Prayer

♦ 2 - 4 pm :: Gardening at St Chad's, weather permitting.
Everyone Welcome!

►► Thursday 26 September
♦ 10.30 am - 12 noon :: Church cleaning at St Chad's 
Everyone Welcome!

♦ 2 - 4 pm :: Gardening at St Chad's, weather permitting.
Everyone Welcome!

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►► Sunday 29 September - The Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity - MICHAEL and ALL ANGELS
🕆 9.15 am at St Mary in the Baum - Holy Communion
🕆 10.00 am at St Luke's Deeplish - Family Communion
🕆 11.15 am at St Chad's - Choral Eucharist

October 2024

►► Wednesday 2 October
🕆 11.00 am at St Luke's Deeplish - Morning Prayer

♦ 2 - 4 pm :: Gardening at St Chad's 
Now we are in October, weather permitting!
Everyone Welcome!

►► Thursday 3 October
♦ 10.30 am - 12 noon :: Church cleaning at St Chad's 
Everyone Welcome!

♦ 2 - 4 pm :: Gardening at St Chad's
Now we are in October, weather permitting!
Everyone Welcome!

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►► Sunday 6 October - The Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity - HARVEST FESTIVAL
🕆 9.15 am at St Mary in the Baum - BCP Holy Communion
🕆 10.00 am at St Luke's Deeplish
🕆 11.15 am at St Chad's - Choral Eucharist

Dedication of the new bells at St Chad's 2.00 pm
by The Rt Revd Dr David Walker, Bishop of Manchester.

►► Wednesday 9 October

👋  Friends Together Bereavement Support Group
👂   at St Chad’s 10 am - 12 noon
Everyone Welcome - Refreshments provided

🕆 11.00 am at St Luke's Deeplish - Morning Prayer

♦ 2 - 4 pm :: Gardening at St Chad's
Now we are in October, weather permitting!
Everyone Welcome!

►► Thursday 10 October
10.00 am at St Chad's - Said Eucharist

♦ 10.30 am - 12 noon :: Church cleaning at St Chad's 
Everyone Welcome!

♦ 2 - 4 pm :: Gardening at St Chad's
Now we are in October, weather permitting!
Everyone Welcome!

►► Saturday 12 October

🎵  Music on Saturdays at St Chad's
  Lunchtime Concert
  Provisional - details to follow asap

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►► Sunday 13 October - The Twentieth Sunday after Trinity
🕆 9.15 am at St Mary in the Baum - Holy Communion
🕆 10.00 am at St Luke's Deeplish
🕆 11.15 am at St Chad's - Matins
🕆 7.30 pm at St Michael's Bamford - Breathe Service

►► Wednesday 16 October
🕆 11.00 am at St Luke's Deeplish - Morning Prayer

♦ 2 - 4 pm :: Gardening at St Chad's
Now we are in October, weather permitting!
Everyone Welcome!

►► Thursday 17 October
♦ 10.30 am - 12 noon :: Church cleaning at St Chad's 
Everyone Welcome!

♦ 2 - 4 pm :: Gardening at St Chad's
Now we are in October, weather permitting!
Everyone Welcome!

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►► Sunday 20 October - The Twenty-First Sunday after Trinity
🕆 9.15 am at St Mary in the Baum
🕆 10.00 am at St Luke's Deeplish
🕆 11.15 am at St Chad's 

Wednesday 23 October
🕆 11.00 am at St Luke's Deeplish - Morning Prayer

♦ 2 - 4 pm :: Gardening at St Chad's
Now we are in October, weather permitting!
one Welcome!

►► Thursday 24 October
♦ 10.30 am - 12 noon :: Church cleaning at St Chad's 
Everyone Welcome!

♦ 2 - 4 pm :: Gardening at St Chad's
Now we are in October, weather permitting!
Everyone Welcome!

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►► Sunday 27 October - The Last Sunday after Trinity

Dedication FestivalThe First Sunday in October or The Last Sunday after Trinity, if date unknown  - details to follow

🕆 9.15 am at St Mary in the Baum
🕆 10.00 am at St Luke's Deeplish
🕆 11.15 am at St Chad's 

►► Wednesday 29 October
🕆 11.00 am at St Luke's Deeplish - Morning Prayer

♦ 2 - 4 pm :: Gardening at St Chad's
Now we are in October, weather permitting!
Everyone Welcome!

►► Thursday 30 October
♦ 10.30 am - 12 noon :: Church cleaning at St Chad's 
Everyone Welcome!

♦ 2 - 4 pm :: Gardening at St Chad's
Now we are in October, weather permitting!
Everyone Welcome!

November 2024

►► Friday 1 November - ALL SAINTS' DAY

The Sunday between 30 October and 5 November may be kept as All Saints’ Sunday or as:

►► Saturday 2 November - ALL SOULS' DAY- Commeration of the Faithful Departed
🕆 9.15 am at St Mary in the Baum
🕆 10.00 am at St Luke's Deeplish
🕆 11.15 am at St Chad's 

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►► Sunday 3 November - The Fourth Sunday before Advent

►► Wednesday 6 November
St Chad's PCC - Standing Committee - time tbc

►► Thursday 7 November
♦ 10.30 am - 12 noon :: Church cleaning at St Chad's 
Everyone Welcome!

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►► Sunday 10 November - The Third Sunday before Advent - Remembrance Sunday
🕆 9.15 am at St Mary in the Baum
🕆 10.00 am at St Luke's Deeplish
🕆 11.15 am at St Chad's 

►► Wednesday 13 November

👋  Friends Together Bereavement Support Group
👂   at St Chad’s 10 am - 12 noon
Everyone Welcome - Refreshments provided

🕆 11.00 am at St Luke's Deeplish - Morning Prayer

►► Thursday 24 October
♦ 10.30 am - 12 noon :: Church cleaning at St Chad's 
Everyone Welcome!

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►► Sunday 17 November - The Second Sunday before Advent
🕆 9.15 am at St Mary in the Baum
🕆 10.00 am at St Luke's Deeplish
🕆 11.15 am at St Chad's 

►► Thursday 21 November

►► Thursday 24 October
♦ 10.30 am - 12 noon :: Church cleaning at St Chad's 
Everyone Welcome!

St Chad's PCC - 2 pm tbc

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►► Sunday 27 November - The Sunday Next Before Advent - Christ The King
🕆 9.15 am at St Mary in the Baum
🕆 10.00 am at St Luke's Deeplish
🕆 11.15 am at St Chad's 

December 2024

►► Sunday 1 December - The First Sunday of Advent - Year C - The Church Year Begins!

🕆 9.15 am at St Mary in the Baum
🕆 10.00 am at St Luke's Deeplish
🕆 11.15 am at St Chad's 

►► Thursday 5 December

♦ 10.30 am - 12 noon :: Church cleaning at St Chad's 
Everyone Welcome!

Springhill Hospice's Light Up A Life Service at St Chad's 7 pm


►► Saturday 7 December :: 11 am - 2 pm


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►► Sunday 8 December - The Second Sunday of Advent
🕆 9.15 am at St Mary in the Baum
🕆 10.00 am at St Luke's Deeplish
🕆 11.15 am at St Chad's 

►► Wednesday 11 December

👋  Friends Together Bereavement Support Group
👂   at St Chad’s 10 am - 12 noon
Everyone Welcome - Refreshments provided

🕆 11.00 am at St Luke's Deeplish - Morning Prayer

►► Thursday 12 December

♦ 10.30 am - 12 noon :: Church cleaning at St Chad's 
Everyone Welcome!

🎵  The Mayor's Carol Service at St Chad's - 7 pm

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►► Sunday 15 December - The Third Sunday of Advent
🕆 9.15 am at St Mary in the Baum
🕆 10.00 am at St Luke's Deeplish
🕆 11.15 am at St Chad's 

►► Thursday 19 December
♦ 10.30 am - 12 noon :: Church cleaning at St Chad's 
Everyone Welcome!

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►► Sunday 22 December - The Fourth Sunday of Advent

🕆 9.15 am at St Mary in the Baum
🕆 10.00 am at St Luke's Deeplish
🕆 11.15 am at St Chad's 

🌟 🎵 

On behalf of everyone at Rochdale Parish Church of St Chad
we are delighted to invite you to our

‘Candlelit Carol Service’

on Sunday 22 December 2024 at 3.00 pm
followed by festive refreshments.

Come and join in the carol singing at this special occasion featuring
our wonderful church choir and the magnificent Hill’s pipe organ.
This service is one of the highlights of the year
and will be a magnificent start to Christmas 2024.


►► Tuesday 24 December - Christmas Eve

🌟 🕆  Midnight Mass at St Chad's - 11.30 pm


►► Wednesday 25 December - CHRISTMAS DAY


►► Thursday 26 December
♦ No Church cleaning at St Chad's today

►► Friday 27 December
♦ Why not come along to St Chad's today
for an hour of Church cleaning 11 am - 12 noon!
Everyone Welcome - Festive snacks provided

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Sunday 29 December - The First Sunday of Christmas
🕆 9.15 am at St Mary in the Baum
🕆 10.00 am at St Luke's Deeplish
🕆 11.15 am at St Chad's 

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January 2025

►► Wednesday 1  New Year's Day

►► Thursday 2 January
♦ 10.30 am - 12 noon :: Church cleaning at St Chad's 
Everyone Welcome!

February 2025

March 2025

►► Tuesday 4  Shrove Tuesday

►► Wednesday 5  Ash Wednesday

April 2025

►► Friday 18  Good Friday

►► Sunday 20  Easter Day

May 2025

►► Monday 4  Early May Bank Holiday

►► Monday 25  Spring Bank Holiday

June 2025

July 2025

August 2025

►► Monday 31  Summer Bank Holiday

September 2025

October 2025

November 2025

►► Sunday 23  Sunday Next before Advent

►► Sunday 30  First Sunday of Advent

December 2025

►► Sunday 30  Second Sunday of Advent

►► Sunday 7  Third Sunday of Advent

►► Sunday 14  Fourth Sunday of Advent

►► Wednesday 24  Christmas Eve

►► Thursday 25  Christmas Day

►► Friday 26  Boxing Day

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January 2026

February 2026

►► Tuesday 17  Shrove Tuesday

►► Wednesday 18  Ash Wednesday

March 2026

April 2026

►► Friday 3  Good Friday

►► Sunday 5  Easter Day

May 2026

►► Monday 5  Early May Bank Holiday

►► Monday 26  Spring Bank Holiday

June 2026

July 2026

August 2026

►► Monday 25  Summer Bank Holiday

September 2026

October 2026

November 2026

December 2026

►► Friday 25  Christmas Day

►► Saturday 26  Boxing Day

►► Monday 28  Bank Holiday for Boxing Day

🌟 🕆 👋👂 ☕ 🎵

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