Rochdale Parish Church of St Chad
and St Mary in the Baum

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Who's Who

As from 29 June 2021 our vicar is The Revd Anne Gilbert

St Chad's

Churchwardens:  A Wild, P Goddard
Treasurer:  M Butterworth 
PCC Secretary:  L Goddard
Organist and Director of Music:  P Lowe
Assistant Organist:  C Tope
Verger:  C Lucas
Focal Lead:  L Goddard
Bap/Conf Co-ordinator:  L Goddard

St Mary in the Baum

Churchwarden: A Pollock
Treasurer: tbc

The Parochial Church Council 2024

► St Chad's

Chair: The Revd Anne Gilbert
Vice Chair:  E Rogers
Wardens:  A Wild, P Goddard
Treasurer:  M Butterworth
Secretary: L Goddard
P Arkle, G Knox, J Midgley, L Taylor

► St Mary in the Baum

Chair: The Revd Anne Gilbert
W Cullen, P Harrison, V Leach, A Pollock, M Simmonds

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The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is the key decision making body of a Church of England parish.  It consists of clergy, churchwardens and others elected by the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) of the parish.

Its powers and duties are defined by certain Acts of Parliament and other legislation, principally the Parochial Church Councils (Powers) Measure 1956.

It has the responsibility, along with the incumbent (rector, vicar or priest-in-charge), to promote the mission of God in its parish.

Legally, the PCC is responsible for the finances of the parish.  It also has ultimate responsibility for the care and maintenance of all church buildings and their contents.  Although these responsibilities are executed by the churchwardens, all PCC members must share in the oversight.  It has a voice in the forms of Service used by the church and may make representations to the bishop on matters that affect the welfare of the parish. However, buildings and money must not obscure the PCC’s fundamental role in wider areas of mission. 

Everyone on a PCC is also a Charity Trustee.  Initially this may sound daunting as there are legal responsibilities involved, as well as a need for a passion for the mission of the church and its role in your local community.  But do not be turned off as enthusiasm, common sense and commitment should see you through.  Plus, the Diocese is here to help.

If you are or have been a member of a PCC or DCC, thank you for your part in the mission of the Diocese - and if you are considering joining a PCC or DCC, then be assured of welcome and support.


Attendance and Preparation: PCC Members should aim to attend most meetings and to read minutes, financial statements and papers before each meeting. PCC members should also attend major activities not just in the parish but in the Diocese & Deanery, so that they feel part of the wider church family.

Financial Strategy: The PCC decides corporately how the church's money is to be raised and spent.  This is a key mission decision as well as a financial one.

Financial Oversight: Each PCC member is responsible for ensuring that the PCC complies with requirements of both charity law and current church accounting regulations.  This should include receiving regular financial updates; ensuring procedures exist to appropriately approve payments and that all cheques are signed by two authorised PCC members; ensuring that the service offertories and other monies are appropriately supervised; generating the Annual Report & Accounts and submitting these documents to the APCM for approval, then sending them on to the Diocese (and Charity Commission if required).

Mission Planning: The PCC, with the incumbent, should ensure that there is an up-to-date and active parish mission plan, which asks and answers the following questions: (i) what is the mission of God in our parish; (ii) what ministries do we need for this mission; (iii) what resources do we need for these ministries?

Outreach: The PCC needs to work with the incumbent to promote within the parish the whole mission of the Church – pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical - and to enable every member of the church to play a full part. Many parishes have church schools which are central to the mission of the parish.

Buildings: The PCC is responsible for the church, ancillary buildings (e.g. Hall) and churchyard/graveyard.  This will include Health & Safety, fulfilling the heritage requirements on buildings, insurance and maintenance work.  Churchwardens should take the lead, but the whole PCC share the responsibility.

Employer: The PCC acts as the employer of the local church's paid workers, for example cleaners, youth workers, organist or parish administrator.

Consultative Role: The PCC will be consulted about major changes to the forms of worship used in the parish, the appointment of a new incumbent and any proposed pastoral re-organisation.  It can also raise issues with the Bishop.


There are 3 categories: ex-officio (clergy, licensed workers, readers, churchwardens, General, Diocesan & Deanery Synod members), elected and co-opted.  The number of elected and co-opted members is directly set by the size of the church’s electoral roll.


Candidates are elected to the PCC at the APCM that takes place before 30th April each year.  To be elected to the PCC, a person needs to have been on the electoral roll for at least 6 months, over 16, consent to being appointed and should also have received communion at least three times in the previous year.  They must also be legally allowed to be a Charity Trustee.  The normal term of office is three years. Standard practice is for one third of the elected members to be elected each year.  The appointment of any co-opted members terminates at each APCM.


General: PCCs can create sub-committees to carry out specific jobs.  Each sub-committee should have at least one PCC member along with other church members who have enthusiasm and/or relevant expertise.  These sub-committees are responsible to the PCC, should report back regularly and seek approval before making major changes or incurring significant costs.  The PCC is ultimately responsible and should give clear direction to all its sub-committees.

The Standing Committee is a statutory PCC committee.  It carries out the work of the PCC between meetings (e.g. if an urgent matter arises for which a full PCC Meeting cannot be called).  The Standing Committee reports to the PCC.  The incumbent & churchwardens are ex-officio members and the PCC would normally appoint the treasurer and PCC secretary to serve as well.  The PCC may also appoint the vice-chair, if it wishes to.


PCC members must ensure that neither they, nor their family members, benefit from their membership of the PCC.  Thus PCC members and their families should not be employed by the church without the prior written consent of the Charity Commission.  The payment of PCC members and their families is a complex issue and advice should always be sought.


In all that is done PCC members need to ensure that the highest standards are maintained – breaches of Health & Safety, or not having someone CRB checked because they are a long serving member of the church, etc. is not acceptable.  Our Christian faith demands that we are good stewards.

A Wild and P Goddard
14 June 2024


Annual Reports are available to view in church.

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