St Chad’s has various groups and teams which meet to help plan/organise events and also maintain the day-to-day running of the Church and parish.
Whilst the Parochial Church Council is responsible for governance, the work of the church needs many willing hands and supporters.
It’s your church!
This ancient parish church is not the property of those listed on this page, rather it belongs to all the people of this community of Rochdale.
We hope you will be involved, either in one of the groups above, or as a partner organisation, or as a donor.
Please contact us for more information.
This list is incomplete and there may be some errors!
Please do let us know what they are – and please do get involved - we need you!
Officers and key roles
Standing Committee: Warden(s), Vicar, Treasurer, Secretary
Churchwardens: A Wild, P Goddard
Treasurer: M Butterworth
Secretary: L Goddard
Focal Lead: L Goddard
Safeguarding Officers: J Midgley and C Lucas
Sidespeople Team:
P Arkle
S Arkle
P Asten
R Asten
D Fletcher
S Fletcher
J Holder
E Rogers
L Taylor
R Clarke
P Bollington
Co-ordinated by M Butterworth 0170 637 9286
We organise (and help others organise) fundraising events, which involve lots of different people.
M Butterworth, D Fletcher, P Lowe
Are you handy? St Chad's maintenance group meets occasionally - about once a month - to do practical/useful tasks such as polishing the parquet floors, minor repairs, and the essential job of setting up for big services and special events.
There's also a social side, and a lot of laughter can be heard when the workers are busy.
All are welcome to join, and being part of this group will help keep this fine building in good condition for the people of Rochdale to enjoy.
R Asten, P Arkle, M Butterworth, D Fletcher,
P Goddard, G Knox, E Rogers, A Wild.
What we do: we recognise that in this digital age the Church needs to be more accessible, more visible and have a presence on social media and the web.
Current ideas include: looking at the following... “Open All Hours” - how the church can be open more, leaflet campaigns, Heritage Visits including developing what we do currently, exhibitions, [getting WiFi in Church, Facebook and Twitter pages, web sites - now done].
Contact: P Goddard 0756 463 5900
Membership: The Vicar, P Goddard, G Knox, A Wild, PCC Secretary
Newsletter and Website: L Goddard
Co-ordinator: The Vicar
This group brings together those involved in, or with an interest in the worship at the Church to work together to create worship and to involve many in it. Only meets occasionally.
Current ideas include: clarifying plans for children’s worship in church, also a less formal, more meditative, monthly Eucharist at 11.15 am
Membership: The Vicar, L Goddard, J Midgley, P Lowe
This informal group does home visits to those who are unable to come to Church on a Sunday. These visits play a vital role in the wellbeing of the individual.
Many are involved. You too can be part of this group and simply visit or you can help with home communions.
If you would like to do this work on behalf of the church please contact the Vicar.
This group helps teach adults and children about the faith, in particular those who are new to the faith or have not grown up with a Christian family.
We run weekly preparation sessions, as required, usually over 4 - 6 sessions.
Support is provided by the Vicar and other ministers.
Co-ordinator: L Goddard 0756 463 5900
Membership: The Vicar, L Goddard
This group facilitates the opening of the Church on some afternoons during the Summer and also the Church’s involvement in the national programme of HODS.
Volunteers are needed.
Co-ordinator: G Knox 0170 664 2311
Singing is at the heart of the Church’s worship. The Choir sings most Sunday mornings and practises on a Friday afternoon.
New choristers welcome!
Choir Director: P Lowe Contact:
St Chad's Altar Guild was established to provide flower arrangements in Church throughout the year (except during Lent and Advent) including Easter, Harvest & Christmas.
It is a ministry of bringing the beauty of creation into the Church.
They also care for the Altar frontals and Linen, and provide hospitality at civic and church events.
Special arrangements throughout the year can be provided for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays & memorials.
Please get in touch if you think we can help.
Chair: L Taylor Contact:
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Helping young people engage with Church and Christian Faith
The churches of St Chad's and St Mary in the Baum are buildings which tell stories, both of faith and of the people of the town who built these fine buildings.
We welcome schools and adult groups for educational visits and can organise a programme to suit your age group and curriculum objectives.
We have "modules" prepared which cover church history, signs and symbols of faith, Christenings and Seasons of the Christian Year.
We have also delivered a programme with Manchester Cathedral on the Five Pillars of Christianity, an innovative programme that explores the commonality between Christianity and Islam.
At St Chad's we have been delighted to welcome children from Broadfield Park, Lower Place, Spotland, Newhey and Ashworth Valley Schools in the last few years.
We explore new ways each year seeking to improve the experience of children coming to St Chad’s to help them understand Christian faith.
We would love you to come to see us - get in touch.
For more information please contact J Midgley or The Revd Anne Gilbert
(Please ask for details of our current risk assessment.)
Membership: S Fletcher, J Hill, J Midgley and others.
The Mothers Union has been at the heart of Church life for years.
St Chad's group is currently in abeyance. If you would like to join please do let us know and we can tell you when it restarts.
St Mary's Mothers Union meets regularly.
More information to follow.
Co-ordinated by Debra Holmes, Tower Captain 0794 158 9540
More info also available from Simon Ripley 0779 871 5532
We are a group of bell ringers from St Chad’s and sister churches, together with members of St Chad’s PCC and the local community who are working to get the bells restored
St Chad's Bell Ringers play a very important part in the life of the Church: they call people to worship. The sound of the bells can be heard across the town on Sunday mornings, and during the Tuesday evening practice. The Revd Mark Coleman (Vicar from 2014-2020, now retired) said, "We are so thrilled to have such a fine team of bell ringers, making joyful sounds echo across the town. When you hear the bells think about the good efforts of our ringers".
We are always looking for people to join us and learn this ancient art.
So if you are interested in what is happening up in the tower, or would like to try out bellringing, please get in touch and contact us on 0794 158 0940 - you will be very welcome.
Current activities include weekly practice sessions on Tuesday evenings from 7.30 pm to 9 pm for Sunday Services.
Update: the plans to renew the bells finally became possible, thanks to a sustained fund-raising campaign and a generous legacy to reach the target of approx £170k.
Work to replace the existing peal of 8 bells with a peal of 10 bells began in December 2023.
The new bells arrived in early May 2024 and blessed on Sunday 19 May 2024, Pentecost, by The Bishop of Middleton, The Rt Revd Mark Davies.
The installation completed, there was a Service of Dedication for the new bells led by The Bishop of Manchester, The Rt Revd Dr David Walker, on Sunday 6 October 2024.
A comprehensive A4 booklet has been produced - please contact Debra or Simon to purchase a copy.
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Saturday 10 February 2018 saw a day of ringing at St Chad’s.
In the morning a visiting band of ringers, the Manchester Universities Guild, (MUGS for short), rang a quarter peal of Cambridge Surprise Major. The complex method together with our challenging bells tested their skills.
The details of the quarter peal are below.
Manchester Universities' Guild of Change Ringers
Rochdale, Lancashire
St Chad
Saturday, 10 February 2018 in 46 mins (15–1–23 in E)
1312 Cambridge Surprise Major
Composed by RJ Angrave
1 John M Lacy
2 Nicole Rolph
3 Maria T Jorysz
4 Iain D Scott
5 David P Lacy
6 Ian H Jorysz
7 Philippa Stokoe
8 James E Hibbert (C)
Rung as a birthday compliment to Philip Chandler, with thanks to David for standing in at no notice!
In the afternoon there was further ringing when the Rochdale Branch of the Lancashire Association of Change Ringers held their monthly ringing meeting at St Chad’s. Over 20 ringers from throughout the branch plus visitors from further afield enjoyed an afternoon of ringing. This is an opportunity for ringers from all the towers in the branch to meet up and ring and learn new methods.
Bell |
Diameter |
Strike Note |
Approx. Weight |
Date |
Founder |
Tenor |
3’-10” |
*321 c.p.s. |
15-1-23 |
1812 |
John Rudhall, Gloucester |
7th |
3’-5â…›” |
359¼ (2ᵇ) |
11-2-0 |
1752 |
Abel Rudhall, Gloucester |
6th |
3’-2” |
404½ (3#) |
9-0-0 |
5th |
3’-0â…›” |
427 (1ᵇ) |
7-3-19 |
4th |
2’-9½” |
478½(3¼áµ‡) |
6-3-18 |
3rd |
2’-8½” |
537¾(2½#) |
6-1-23 |
2nd |
2’-6â…” |
607 (4¾#) |
6-1-25 |
1787 |
John Rudhall, Gloucester |