Rochdale Parish Church of St Chad
and St Mary in the Baum

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Our Mission


The development of what are known as the Marks of Mission began over 30 years ago, and were formally adopted by the Church of England in 1996.

There are the result of giving a simple and clear answer to the Question...”What does God want us to do to play our part in His plans for a better world…to bring His kingdom to earth?”

As well as loving God with all our hearts, mind, soul and strength…coming together in worship and praise, five broad marks of mission were devised...all based on teachings found in the Bible.

First...we are to TELL

To proclaim the good news of the kingdom…to share with others what we know of Jesus, by speaking to them about his life and teachings.

Second...we are to TEACH

To teach, baptise and nurture new believers…to welcome any who seek to join our church family, baptising them...caring for them...and helping them to grow in their Christian understanding.

Third…we are to TEND

To respond to human need by loving service…to be aware of where we can show the love of God to others...perhaps less fortunate than ourselves. Those who are hungry...homeless…sick...lonely...displaced, or despairing.

Fourth…we are to TRANSFORM

To seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and to pursue peace and reconciliation…to speak out where we see and hear of exploitation and work for peace and harmony in our violent and hate-filled world.

Fifth…we are to TREASURE

To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the take seriously our stewardship of the Earth and its resources for our planet, and all living things created by God.

These marks of mission and not offered In any particular order of importance, but can be seen as “conversation starters” as we begin to think about how we can be involved in God’s plans for His Creation. 


  • Clear mission and purpose
  • Actively engaging with local context
  • Willing to change and adapt
  • A welcoming culture, ongoing relationships
  • Leaders innovate, envision, motivate
  • Lay people active in leadership
  • Engaging young people and young adults
  • Nurturing disciples.

More information:


The Diocesan Vision

which has been approved by Bishop’s Council and Diocesan Synod, is:

A worshipping, growing and transforming Christian presence at the heart of every community.

Supporting this vision are three mission goals:

  • Growing: growing new disciples in missionary church communities which are younger, more diverse, active and spiritually engaged
  • Nurturing: increasing vocations, nurturing new and existing disciples, increasing financial giving
  • Serving: present for all, speaking and acting prophetically for justice, supporting pastorally especially the vulnerable, deprived and excluded.
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